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Joining Standard

by Walt Smith

I’m excited to be joining the investment team at Standard and to work alongside Adam, Alok, Nick, and Gavi in crypto startups.

Adam and Alok have been a steady source of inspiration for me and have proven to be one the best stamps in crypto. Both have a rich history in the space, from supporting industry anchors like Bitmain, Telegram, and Gauntlet to backing new trailblazers like Taproot Wizards, Offchain Labs and more.

Since being orangepilled in 2018, Bitcoin’s development has been a constant interest for me. I’m especially thrilled to join a team with deep historical and intellectual ties to Bitcoin and a strong will to help push the orange coin forward with research and patient capital. 

Beyond Bitcoin, I’m excited about working with entrepreneurs across crypto’s expanding footprint into avenues like social, media, consumer brands, and more. We’re a team of generalists here at Standard and I’m excited for the opportunity to further crypto across the board.

I’ll be leaning on (and sharing) Standard’s insights which come from its unique mix of tacit knowledge of traditional startups plus crypto nativity – a rare and increasingly valuable combination as crypto’s internet conquest continues.

Lastly, I’d like to mention how grateful I am to have been at cyber•Fund. Konstantin and Vasilily are one-a-kind people and I feel truly blessed to have worked with them. In addition to supporting Standard’s current and future portcos, I look forward to continuing to partner with Konstantin and Vasilily. 

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